The Plight of Men Addressed in Modern Literature

I am fortunate enough to be with a girl who is level headed and sensible, which allowed me to illuminate and point out the countless examples of misandry we see on television and marketing. She even understands my concerns for my future sons' and grandsons' self-esteem and confidence should this continue.

I understand how important it is to keep a tally and log all the misdeeds of marketing and media and even legal matters which target men. It is a necessary thing to track for future reference. However, there is a goodly amount of modern literature dealing specifically with the detrimental effects of male bashing in today's society, presented in a thorough and purposeful manner. Surprising to me, at least, there are female authors of these works as well.

  • Spreading Misandry: The Teaching of Contempt for Men in Popular Culture. Paul Nathanson, Katherine K. Young
  • Legalizing Misandry: From Public Shame to Systemic Discrimination Against Men
    by Paul Nathanson, Katherine Young
  • The War Against Boys: How Misguided Feminism Is Harming Our Young Men. Christina Hoff Sommers
  • The Myth of Male Power. Warren Farrell
  • The War Against Men. Richard T. Hise
  • Taken into Custody: The War Against Fatherhood, Marriage, and the Family. Stephen Baskerville
  • Save the Males: Why Men Matter Why Women Should Care. Kathleen Parker

These are but a few of the titles I have come across. Though it is good news for us that yes, in fact, we have some great minds on our side that actively question the practices of widespread misandry; it is not the main purpose of this submission.

Barring my daydream of a well organized and well planned mass migration of American men and their families to a gender-equal country (hahaha), I think the next best thing would be men having discussions with their female counterparts and friends. At the very least, every one of us men who is concerned with misandry and it cultural effects can show a woman or two the negative results of unchecked and rampant misandry through well informed and solid arguments in conversation.

We all know women's capacity to fight dirty, but think of how much it could benefit men's equality if a good number of them played for "our side"?

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"The Rantings of a Single Male" you one individual's perspective of feminism, etc. Though I wouldn't quite call it "literature" - it's more of a fun read.


P.S. don't get overzealous about Kathleen Parker - the place she is coming from is a little suspect.

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