Australia: Senate Select Committee on Men's Health established

From Men's Health Australia:

Wednesday February 18, 2009
Senate Select Committee on Men's Health

The Australian Senate has established a Select Committee on Men's Health to inquire into general issues related to the availability and effectiveness of education, supports and services for men's health. Submissions close on 27th February. Many have wondered why this inquiry was established, considering the public consultation process currently underway to develop Australia's first long-awaited National Men's Health Policy.

The Senate Select Committee on Men's Health is a public inquiry with open and transparent reporting of its findings to parliament and publication of all submissions received. The outcome of the Men's Health Policy consultation process, however, will ultimately be decided by bureaucrats behind closed doors. While we are hopeful that the ultimate policy recommendations will be positive, we cannot be guaranteed that the final policy will not be based upon tired old male-deficit perspectives which have unfortunately dominated government policy for the past 30 years (typified by the approach "it's men's own fault they are unhealthy").

The Government might also shy away from continuing the much-needed reform of the Family Law Court and the Child Support Agency, two institutions which have arguably been significant contributors to the shameful suicide rate amongst separated fathers. The reform process was initiated by the previous Coalition Government with bipartisan support from the then Labor Opposition in 2005/2006. Unfortunately this process of reform has stalled and would appear to be in danger of being wound back.

The Select Committee on Men's Health could be seen as an 'insurance policy' of sorts that might persuade the government bureaucrats to create the broad, world-class Men's Health Policy that Australian men and boys desperately need, rather than a toothless watered-down policy that sits and gathers dust.

We would strongly advise individuals and organisations who support the health and wellbeing of men and boys to lodge submissions to the Select Committee on Men's Health before the closing date on 27th February. A submission can be two lines, two paragraphs or two pages - it doesn't need to be a weighty academic paper. Please pass this urgent request onto your networks.

More information about the inquiry

The Senate has established a Select Committee on Men's Health to inquire into general issues related to the availability and effectiveness of education, supports and services for men's health, including but not limited to:

1. level of Commonwealth, state and other funding addressing men's health, particularly prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and depression,
2. adequacy of existing education and awareness campaigns regarding men's health for both men and the wider community,
3. prevailing attitudes of men towards their own health and sense of wellbeing and how these are affecting men's health in general, and
4. the extent, funding and adequacy for treatment services and general support programs for men's health in metropolitan, rural, regional and remote areas.

The committee is to report by 30 May 2009. Submissions are due by 27 February 2009 and may be submitted online or emailed to For further information see or phone (02) 6277 3559.

For further information, contact:

Committee Secretary
Senate Select Committee on Men's Health
Department of the Senate
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

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