UK: 20-something men more likely to fave DV than 20-something women

Article here. Excerpt:

'New statistics suggest that men in their early 20s are MORE likely to be abused by their partner than women the same age. It's not a subject that's much talked about. On Newsbeat, we're changing that.

The official definition of partner abuse includes non-physical forms like emotional bullying as well as physical force. But men in this age range have been on the receiving end of all forms, including sometimes severe violence.
So why are men in this age at such risk? Are 20-something women becoming more aggressive? Are men less able to defend themselves? And is this a taboo that's now being talked about for the first time?
Reporting the crime carries risks too. Some men clearly feel that telling police can lead to the finger of blame being pointed at them. One, who wants to stay anonymous, texted us to say "ex girlfriend pushed me down the stairs ,i called the police and they locked me up for three hours and made me walk home with dislocated toes cos they did not believe me". Others say they were threatened with assault charges - even though they were the victim.'

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it's good to see more people {mostly men} are realizing domestic abuse works both ways. especially good that the article states many men don't report it, because law enforcement is likely to arrest the man. that needs to be stated as often as possible.

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Does Britain have VAWA type laws where arresting the man is the default?

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This is one dirty little secret that needs to come out. It's not fair that men don't have a place to turn when faced with IPV. It is nice to see that people, in general, are talking about it, especially journalists. There are actually lots of women who are aware of this fact, as well (i.e. Barbara Kay).

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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