Canadian Columnist Recognizes the Severity of PAS

Article can be read here. Halifax Chronicle Herald columnist Peter Duffy wrote a piece on parental alienation syndrome on Tuesday, recognizing it as a very serious issue and sympathizing with the two men he mentions in his column. It's particularly interesting because it highlights some women's vanity leading up to alienating their children from their fathers, as one of the men mentioned in the article states the "reason" why his partner did this to him: "My partner said to me, 'You're the first man who ever said 'no' to me,'" The article concludes with the important recognition of the children caught in between these vindictive quarrels. Excerpt:

'Welcome to the unbelievable world of parental alienation, a relatively little-known syndrome spawned in the toxic atmosphere of couples who fall out of love.

Essentially, it’s when a bitter parent, usually the one with custody, systematically poisons the minds of the children against the other parent.

What was once considered merely collateral damage during bitter divorce proceedings is now being seen in a new light.

A few weeks ago in Ontario, for example, a judge removed three children from their mother and sent them to a deprogramming centre after ruling she had deliberately alienated them against their father.'

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