No-contact order with girlfriend keeps man out of his own house

Story here Excerpt:

'EDMONTON -- In a bizarre case before the courts, an Edmonton man has been forbidden from going to his own home while his girlfriend - whom he has told to get out - is still living there.

Todd Shandro, 36, went before a judge yesterday to try to resolve the situation, but he was told there were jurisdictional issues and he has to take the matter to civil court.

"It's very sick what is happening here," said a frustrated Shandro. "I am the sole owner of the house. The mortgage and title are in my name and she is essentially a squatter.'

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this woman and her mother are using the lack of equality
in the law to take advantage. any time you pervert something,
in this case the law, you create opportunities for abuse.

and if and when he gets his house back, nothing will be
done to these two con artists. good scam. works every time.

thanks manginas.

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obviously have a low testosterone level. Must be something in the water, heh?

But seriously, it is obvious the government entity of Canaduh has declared war on men. They like the US have the same legal standing and civil rights as medieval serfs. They will either take it or take the law into their own hands.

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If there weren't so many chumps like this guy, perhaps us men wouldn't be at the disadvantage we are today. First of all, if you have someone in your house that you no longer want there (unless they are on the deed to the property), the last thing you want to do is leave the house and go to a pub. Giving her time to strategize the situation is not going to help you. He needed to remove the woman, plain and simple. If she doesn't leave voluntarily, you remove her like a bouncer would at a bar. If she is stronger than you, then you use tools to remove her. I may not speak for everyone, but my right to own property is towards the top of the list of my cherished rights. To that end, the police can do what they want after I do what I gotta do. Screw tenants rights, unless she has an actual written lease.

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If you weren't berating and insulting other men for having the same problems suffered by those around you, you wouldn't have anything to say, would you Luek?

Like a feminist, does it make you "feel better about yourself?"

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I have to agree. I don't appreciate all Canadian men being stereotyped here. I'm from Canada and I think this is pathetic.

I don't agree with this at all. It actually makes me ashamed to think that this kind of injustice is going on in my own home town. This is a violation of this man's rights in every sense of the term.

I don't understand why he can't call the police and have them remove her. She doesn't own the house, and she doesn't have his permission to stay there. Like he said, technically, it's trespassing.

I hope he sues her for back rent.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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