Book Review: 'Boys Adrift' by Leonard Sax

Article here. Excerpt:

'While I agreed with Dr. Sax's main ideas when I heard him speak on the radio program, I wasn't sure what was behind his assertion that the American culture was in trouble unless we reverse this trend. After reading this book (in one day, I might add - I couldn't put it down), I'm sold. We cannot afford to have nearly one-fourth of our young men living at home, not working or contributing to society, avoiding responsibility and believing that this approach to life is just fine - but that's the way American society is headed. Something is wrong, and Dr. Sax believes he knows why American boys and young men can't find their way toward a purpose-filled life.

Dr. Sax makes a convincing case for each of his five factors, including the effects of estrogens on the physical development on boys. While I can't quite figure out how young parents will easily manage the switch from plastics containing PET to glass baby bottles (when did you last see a glass baby bottle for sale?), I think I'd give it a try if I were raising an infant now. My personal experiences as a substitute teacher, Scout leader and homeschooling parent all snapped into focus as I read Dr. Sax's explanations of the five factors that make boys less motivated, less healthy and less inclined to aspire to noble manhood. All of Dr. Sax's assertions match my personal observations.'

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