India: Another feminist movement started based on entirely false data

These are entirely made up, concocted and twisted statistics that these Indian feminists are projecting to the world in order to beg for more and more millions from the taxpayers money of the western countries. Then of course, the money is used primarily to feed their own gigantic greed, and with whatever leftover money, to bribe the politicians into passing more and more anti-men laws, so that all men get so scared that they start to shy away from the institution of marriage itself. And quite obviously no one is worried about the ever increasing men facing domestic violence from their women partners! Here's the story: Ring the bell, stop domestic violence

'What do you do when the man next door is beating his wife? A) Close the windows and turn up the volume on the telly. B) Squirm but tell yourself it's no use interfering. It is simpler to not do anything and that is exactly what Mumbai resident Christina Lobo Jha did till a new initiative to end domestic violence gave her a third option - Ring the Bell or Bell Bajao.

Batting for the battered

37% of women reported abuse
32% experienced violence in the first five years of marriage
55% of women though spousal abuse was warranted
41% of women thought slapping was warranted by husbands if in-laws were disrespected
35% of women thought a beating was warranted by husbands if household chores and child care were neglected
51% of 75,000 men surveyed think hitting their wives is acceptable, if in-laws were disrespected, with a smaller number thinking that bad cooking/refusing sex were also legitimate reasons'

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