Mens' Eye Protection Issues Revealed and What Women Can Do About it

Article here. Excerpt:

'In the blog you will find entertaining and informative solutions to help you or your company keep safety issues top on your list. It turns out that each post is written from a lighter side and some are written by a woman who challenges men to wear safety gear. Do not expect the standard OSHA lingo in her blog posts.
Here is just a sample of some her current statistics about eye protection:

90% of eye injuries could have been avoided.
The average time off work for an eye injury is 2 days.
Men make up over 80% of all eye injuries.

The Sassy Safety Glasses Queen goes on to write this reminder: "Ladies, there is a good chance your hubby is NOT wearing his safety glasses. My solution was to buy a hot looking pair of safety glasses (I prefer OCC and Wiley X safety glasses) and told my husband how good he looked wearing them. You better believe he wears them all the time. If only getting him to unload the dishwasher was that easy." '

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... the dishwasher thing, could she? Oh well, at least it's getting some important information out there affecting men's health and safety.

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......unload the damn dishwasher yourself fool!

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I heard Warren Farrell mention one time when he was running for Gov. of CA, that the Greek work for "hero" originally meant "a slave who serves well."

A major part of the battle in getting guys to wear eye protection is getting owners, administrators and managers of businesses to buy them. Yea, I know. I was a manager (government job/maintenance) and was very safety conscious. There is definitely a danger in a company of being labeled "a complainer." When you get that label it is very bad for you career wise. A lot of guys just keep their mouths shut, and "serve well." Of couse, when something happens it's all there fault and of course when they get home there's endless bitching from the primary resident "free loader."

Yep, "take it like a man," "suck it up," "stop whining like a little girl," etc. got no mention in this article as an influence in male work role conditioning that leads to not just eye injuries, but all kinds of industrial injuries and deaths. Therefore, the smell of hypocrisy permeates this article, IMO.

Does anyone remember that old 60's activist song by John Lennon, "A Working Class Hero is Something to be." If John Lennon were alive today I wonder if he'd be an MRA, a male feminist, or somewhere in between.

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"If John Lennon were alive today I wonder if he'd be an MRA, a male feminist, or somewhere in between."

He'd be a feminist. The guy was a pussy.

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Two words. Yoko Ono. He married her. I've heard from many people that the Beatles break up was influenced a lot by her. I think that in itself is an indicator as to what side Lennon would be on.

BTW, that's an interesting point, MR. I never thought of that. You're right though. I'm sure there's lots of women who are more concerned about the steady flow of money they don't have to earn than they are about their boyfriends or husbands. MANN has featured countless articles proving this, from paternity fraud to denying men access to their children, to a man getting stabbed in the face for not wanting to have sex when his girlfriend wanted. This is why I'm not attracted to most women. I'm only attracted to the ones without an entitled attitude, who actually treat men with respect.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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