Anti-male Cheerios commercial taken to task on Fox

Video clip here. Marc Rudov debates Bill O'Reilly over the content of this and similar ads. O'Reilly sides with feminists of course.

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I have hated this commercial for a long time. I have hated O'Reilly for a long time. This commercial just sums up everything awful with the media today!

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I'm not a big fan of this commercial either. It's too bad. Cheerios actually ran a pro-father ad last year, which led me to believe they were a male-friendly company. I guess I was wrong.

I must say that was great how Marc made Bill contradict himself. "That would be assault and battery", oh and attacking a man in his genitalia isn't? With that kind of messed up logic, no wonder this guy is a frontman for Rupert Murdoch.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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