UK: Woman gets 21 months in jail after texting-while-driving causes fatal accident

Story here. She killed a man out of sheer buffoonery, and all she gets is a 21 months jail? Would you have given the same punishment to a man, if he killed a woman in exactly the same situation? Excerpt:

'A motorist who sent and received more than 20 text messages before she crashed into another car killing its driver has been jailed for 21 months.
Curtis, who was convicted of causing death by dangerous driving in December, had told Oxford Crown Court she felt there were times when using a phone while driving was acceptable.

During the trial the defendant, a waitress, said she had been "hyper" as she set off on her two-hour journey on 20 November, 2007.

She had made various calls and sent text messages to a number of friends using predictive text.

Shortly after making a call, her car hit Ms McBryde's parked Peugeot 106, then spun into oncoming traffic, hitting two more vehicles.
Judge Hall said he hoped the case would send out a warning to other drivers not to use their phones when behind the wheel.

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