Opinion: Young men and violence

Article here. Excerpt:

'Masculinity. Masculinity in our culture is extremely unhealthy. Virtually all of these rage-induced rampages are by males. Though we went through a period of men being encouraged to be more sensitive (largely, thanks to feminism), recent influences have moved men back to a hyper-masculinity that poses serious problems for our society. Through cultural and parental conditioning, media images (tech games but also action films, comic books, graphic novels and advertisements), sports influences (mixed martial arts in particular), peer influences and so on, males today more than ever feel pressure to be hyper-masculine. The end product is a male who doesn't allow for emotional outlets, doesn't express or communicate mental anguish, doesn't show weakness or get help but instead sees violence as a viable option to solving problems.'

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I don't think there's a pressure for men to be hyper masculine, it's quite the opposite. What does he make of the fact more and more women are committing violent crimes, are they under pressure to be hyper masculine too?

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More like young men don't feel as if society gives a crap about them, so why should they care about society. These are the children of the feminists and single moms, Gee I wonder if having dad around and having equal concern over boys and girls while growing up would help?

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Wow, could the anti-male hatred in that piece be any more palpable? Talk about blaming the victim.

Typical feminist/socialist induced self-loathing. Makes me sick.

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