It's that time of year: The Super Bowl Myth

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'Super Bowl is coming up. And the Super Bowl Myth, that "Super Bowl Sunday is the most dangerous day in America for women." Washington Post reporter Ken Ringle checked into it back in 1993, and quickly found this "factoid" was a lie.

But we hear it every year. Christina Hoff Sommers lays out the story in Who Stole Feminism. The ironically-named "watchdog" group FAIR (Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting) and others held a press conference just before the January 1993 Super Bowl to put the factoid in circulation, citing an Old Dominion study. Jan Katz, one of the principal authors of that study said, "That's now what we found at all." Their study, on Washington Redskins regular-season weekends, found that an increase in emergency room admissions "was not associated with the occurrence of football games in general."
Who gains from these lies and deceptions? For one, feminists and activists in the "violence against women" industry fueled by $1.8 million under the federal Violence Against Women Act. VAWA II pending before Congress has a $2.8 billion price tag. (The National Violence Against Women survey conducted by the woman-oriented Center for Policy Research and sponsored by the National Institute of Justice and Centers for Disease Control found that each year 1.5 million and 835,000 men are assaulted by intimate partners, but a provision in VAWAII would specifically prohibit domestic violence programs from serving battered men.)'

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Think about it. It's one of the few days a year where women aren't in the spotlight. It's a football game played by males, cheered by women in skimpy clothes, discussed by mostly male sportscasters (with the occasional token female), and has absolutely nothing to do with women. Now most other sports have already been feminized (WNBA, golf, etc). It's one of the few days a year where men gather and have a great time together. And the last thing any nazi-type group wants is for the enemy to "gather together."

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