Another wife murders her husband and gets probabtion

Story here. Excerpt:

'A Millington woman who shot and killed her husband with a .22-caliber rifle while he made doughnut circles in his own yard in his pickup truck was sentenced to three years of probation.

As part of a negotiated sentence, Linda Abbott, 40, agreed not to ask Criminal Court Judge John Colton Jr. for diversion, which could have erased the voluntary manslaughter conviction returned by a jury in November. In return, she will do no jail time if she complies with probation requirements.'

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Mary Winkler? Tennessee has to be the biggest piece of misandric crap state in history. Why are the men of Tennessee such wimps? I guess they just hate themselves.

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texas kills the most men. few if any women. mostly for show.
just to show how "equal" and "just" they are. a joke, for sure.

i hear england has talked of doing away w/ women's prisons.
if you aren't going to punish them, might as well save some $$.
guess it makes some kind of sense in fem-world.

i'm not aware of any u.s. states where the family is not
in trouble, and men treated like so much chattel.

man bad, woman good. woman victim. perpetual victim.
got themselves quite a profitable scam going.
handouts all 'round! that's the new obama toast, or so i hear.

'til comes a reckoning. 2012? not too far away, is it?

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Damn, that's a really harsh sentence. Where's the justice in this?

I mean, it was just a man. It's not like she killed a person or anything...

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