California Men's Centers report: "Law Enforcement and Intimate Partner Violence Study"

Report here (.pdf file). Excerpt:

'Most criminal justice data documents that in serious incidents females do suffer from more injurious and fatal violence than males. However, as the POPIPV documents most IPV incidents are minor or there is no empirical evidence to demonstrate who initiated the assaultive behavior. Contemporary unprecedented IPV training curriculums establish a bias found nowhere else in the criminal justice system. IPV trainers simply refer to females as victims and males as offenders.

Some states have provided “primary or dominant aggressor” laws and IPV training that are based on what the POPIPV may refer to as “gender clues.” The intent of the “gender clues” is to suggest to officers which gender is the offender. These primary or dominant aggressor laws or training implies that when there is little physical evidence or it is difficult to determine who is guilty, the officer’s should make an arrest based on the difference in size and strength of the partners or which partner of the two appears most fearful.'

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That this is finally being recognized... but do keep in mind: some of us have been saying this for many many years.

Studies such as this come as no surprise to us, other than to affirm we were correct for saying what said when we said what this reports says.
And for standing up to the vicious derision and castigation from the Radical Feminists and their legions of Pop Feminists (and their harems of Manginas)... and continuing to say it.

Gunner Retired

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