Israel: Education Ministry takes on sexist classics

Story here. Excerpt:

'As part of its efforts to promote gender equality awareness among Israel's students, the Education Ministry has decided to introduce a new study program that encourages children to revise the lyrics of classic Hebrew songs that contain chauvinistic notions.
"But when you read the words carefully you find out they contain hidden messages that work just like existing marketing methods. We are aware of the difficulty to reread the songs, but the situation cannot remain as it is. Well-liked songs contain wrong, sexist conceptions," she added.
The students will not only be exposed to the chauvinistic stereotypes in the songs, but will also be asked to revise them and come up with new, more egalitarian lyrics.

As part of the program they will also read songs that express feminine equality and independence.'

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Organized religion has survived thousands of years, at times out lasting wars, famine, and disease. When the black plague wiped out %40 of the European population, religion survived. During two world wars and countless destruction, religion survived. Now religion is facing its most formidable foe -- feminism. The bible suggests the Antichrist will one day walk the earth as a lone male, I beg to differ. The true face of evil is a collection of hyper sensitive, fascist, man haters. Satan sits in hell with a maniacal laugh, basking in his ultimate creation -- feminism.


"Woe to you, Oh Earth and Sea, for the Devil sends the
beast with wrath, because he knows the time is short...
Let him who hath understanding reckon the number of the
beast for it is a human number, its number is Six hundred and
sixty six."

'Number of The Beast'
{Iron Maiden}

FYI: Its official, I'm losing my mind.

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