Fair Pay Act roils workplaces

Article here. Excerpt:

'One of the first bills that President Barack Obama signs this week, the Fair Pay Act, could result in more women suing over being paid less than men. This new activity in the Capitol has stirred conversations in boardrooms, law offices, factory floors -- even newsrooms. Why aren't women earning as much as men and should salaries be openly discussed?

Richard Tuschman, a South Florida labor lawyer, says until women make different choices, their incomes won't rise, no matter how many bills are signed into law. By choices, he's talking about the careers they pursue, the hours they work, the jobs within their industries they hold and the parenting decisions they make.
The numbers most often used are those among full-time workers -- women make only 77 cents for every dollar paid to men. But there are many, like Tuschman, who feel those numbers are bogus because of all the trends that factor into the pay gap. Women with college degrees tend to go into fields like education, psychology and the humanities, which typically pay less than sectors preferred by men such as engineering, math and business.'

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