Feminists at the Inauguration Praising Themselves for Being Women

Article here. Excerpt:

'Emily's List, the feminist organization whose sole purpose is to get pro-abortion women elected to Congress, hosted a segment of the inauguration today featuring speeches by its stars. The theme was praising women for being women. (the listener is thinking, and???)
The gist of Pelosi's speech was to celebrate the fact that women have overcome barriers to public office. It sounded silly considering the first woman was elected to Congress in *1916,* and 249 women have been elected to Congress. Women made advancements a long time ago yet feminists still have no theme but celebrating this. Contrast this with a Republican Women's meeting, which would never go on ad nauseum about how wonderful it is that women are in office. They're not living in the past and obsessed with their gender.
Listening to their underachieving biographies, it became apparent why feminists are so angry. Too many of them got where they're at based on some kind of affirmative action - the left promoted and paid for these women to rise in the ranks, solely on the basis of their being women. Contrast this with being a woman in the GOP - female Republican leaders aren't angry because they know they got where they are based on merit.'

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