CNN: 'Ladies Nag Obama about Lack of Women's Jobs'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Liberal feminists claim that President Obama’s administration will not have enough female representation and that the job creation part of his stimulus plan will favor men.
Newsroom host Kyra Phillips introduced Christine Romans’ estrogen-dominated segment which included feminists complaining about Obama. Romans mentioned that six cabinet positions out of 21 have gone to women, yet liberal feminist groups like National Organization for Women (NOW) and The New Agenda were “disappointed.”
The New Agenda promotes liberal policies including what amounts to an affirmative action policy for women. Its Web site states that the group is “working towards parity [for women] in the government and in the workplace.” The New Agenda also aims to “increase the number of women in high-level appointments” because there is a “grave imbalance,” citing the “reduction in female Supreme Court justices.”
But according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the unemployment rate for adult women stands at 5.9 percent much lower than the 7.2 percent rate for adult men as of December 2008.'

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the job creation part of his stimulus plan will favor men.

Gee, ya think?

The world only needs so many office clerks, daycare workers, teachers and HR people.

We're the ones that actually build and make things, remember? We dig the ditches and mine the coal and build the bridges. As someone smarter than me once said "if you look around and you see a brick in a building, remember that it's only there because a man put it there."

Since Obama's plan is largely an infrastructure program, there will be dangerous, outdoor, hard labor and skilled trades involved. Women run and hide the second the work gets physical or outdoorsy and they're pretty scarce (by their own damn choice) in the training programs for plumbers, carpenters and electricians.

You know exactly what will happen: men will get hired to do all the dirty, dangerous work and women will get "equal pay" to sit on their fat asses in air conditioned comfort, bitching about and suing the men. Thank you, affirmative action for endangering men so women can have even more unearned privilege in our society.

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