Phyllis Schlafly: Feminists Expect to Cash in With Barack Obama

Article here. Excerpt:

'The groups that elected Barack Obama are poised to cash in on their investment, and the feminists are muscling to be first in line. The National Organization for Women (NOW), bragging that "we all worked hard to help elect" Obama, has helpfully spelled out the "feminist action agenda":

-- Direct Equal Employment Opportunity Commission to compare pay scales in job categories held mostly by women or mostly by men, and then enforce wage control to equalize wages according to the feminists' subjective definition of what they call comparable worth.
-- Stop federal funding of marriage promotion and fatherhood programs. Repeal all the restrictions put into place by welfare reform legislation that encourage welfare recipients to seek employment or training for a job.
-- Ratify the long-dead Equal Rights Amendment with no time limitation on the process. Ratify the United Nations Treaty on Women (CEDAW), which would make our laws, customs and textbooks subject to supervision and control by a U.N. committee of feminists designated as "experts."
-- Enact Hate Crimes legislation to cover acts of violence based on the victim's real or perceived gender, sexual orientation or gender identity. Fully fund, expand and aggressively enforce the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), and enact the International VAWA (IVAWA).'

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HOLY SHIT!!! When are more people going to catch on to this blatant fascism? My god, its just so damn obvious.


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They worked hard to get Obama elected? Oh no, actually, they bitched when Hillary dropped out of the race. I'm actually surprised that they wouldn't want the first female VP to get in instead of Obama. NOW is just so full of crap, you can smell it from a mile away.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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