Report: Some ADHD drugs can cause kids to have severe hallucinations

Article here. Excerpt:

'HOUSTON—U.S. Food and Drug Administration researchers have found that drugs for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD, can cause children to have severe hallucinations, Reuters reports.

The study of the drugs was conducted by drug makers. They found cases of psychosis and mania in some young patients, even those with no obvious risk factors.

Millions of children use ADHD drugs. In the Journal Pediatrics, one doctor wrote, “The numbers of cases of psychosis or mania in pediatric clinical trials were small. However, we noted a complete absence of such events with placebo treatments.”'

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Boys will be told they need these drugs far more often then girls.

My brother had 'behavior problems' all thru school. His biggest offense was that he could not sit still, and he questioned authority (thanks, dad, for teaching us that!). We went to a private school where they actually beat him.

At first my mom listened to the school and he was put on meds, He became like a different person, at first the drugs made him mellow, but then towards the end of the day as they wore off he had uncontrollable anger and was like a child possessed. A babysitter called the police one time because he started throwing his furniture out his window (he was 12 at the time). My brother is naturally hyper and high energy, but the extreme violence and anger was due to the meds.

Thankfully my mom wised up and did some research on ADHD, meds and boys. She started a grassroots organization about this mis-diagnosis of boys, the school system, etc.

The father of my two boys had a similar bad experience in school and was 'diagnosed' with ADHD as well.

Both my brother and my ex are good successful adults. It is a shame that the schools feel that 'high energy' is a disorder.

I have already had people tell me that my boys may have ADHD and may need meds. I tell them to mind there own business!.

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...into a psychotic, hallucinogenic state:

it's the only way to convince them to marry women!

I read a great line on another board the other day:

"Marriage is the triumph of imagination over intelligence".

Seriously, these drugs are dangerous as hell and I can't believe they stuff them down the throats of little boys at every possible opportunity. It's a good thing we're the disposable gender, huh?

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