Balance sought in elementary schools staffed almost completely by women

Article here. Excerpt:

'In Ventura County and nationwide, Gaona is hardly typical. The number of male teachers in the county dropped below 25 percent in the last few years, the lowest in a decade, state records show. In many elementary schools, women outnumber men by an even greater margin.

A small Santa Paula district has no men on its teaching staff. In Camarillo’s Pleasant Valley School District, men made up only 12 percent of teachers last year, and less than 5 percent in elementary schools.

Gender doesn’t have anything to do with teaching quality, said Michael McCambridge, liberal studies director at California Lutheran University in Thousand Oaks, but “it’s important to have role models who are both women and men.”
Many school districts will likely discuss layoffs more than teacher recruitment this year, because of looming state budget cuts. And that might continue the trend of fewer men entering elementary education.'

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