Philippines: "Hurray for sweeter men!"

Article here. Excerpt:

'It’s been little more than 30 years since the emergence of the modern international women’s movement, and already, at least in the view of a Vatican official, there has been an “erosion of manhood” and a resulting “crisis in fatherhood.” This last, said Cardinal Paul Josef Cordes, has given rise to millions of children around the world growing up without a father, with fatherless boys doomed to end up in prison, drop out or be expelled from school, become runaways or even commit suicide.
Given how women have been abused, demeaned, discriminated against and marginalized through the centuries, it’s a wonder we’re still able to hold up our heads. But no matter how long we’ve been denigrated as the “weaker sex” and confined within our “natural” and “special” roles as sex objects and bearers of children, I haven’t heard anyone, much less a representative of the Holy See, spend any time bemoaning the erosion of womanhood or a crisis in motherhood. That’s because there hasn’t been any such crisis, because women have been able to carry on our roles in society even as we seek to expand our opportunities and change perceptions of who or what we should be.'

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Let me get this straight -- feminism worked to destroy boys and men. Now that everyone is reaping feminism's bitter harvest the move is to blame men and boys.

It is a dangerous game the female supremacists are playing...

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Given the "What fragile egos these men have!" exclamation with which article starts, all of a sudden I don't feel that proud to be half-Filipino anymore.

By the way, "pinay" means girl and "pinoy" means boy -- these are among the Tagalog words the author uses in her article.

Another passage I found offensive was the one where you hear about a fatherhood crisis all the time but never a motherhood one because mothers, allegedly, never run away from their kids. No, it's because it's politically incorrect to criticize mothers (or women for that matter) but perfectly okay to criticize dads! What a sickening double standard.



"What is popular is not always right, what is right is not always popular."

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It’s been little more than 30 years since the emergence of the modern international women’s movement,

Um, no, it hasn't. Try 45 years.

So the bitch can't count or write.

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