Prioritize education in your son's life

Article here. Excerpt:

'The statistics involving boys and education look bleak. More boys flunk or drop out of school than girls, and young males make up more than two-thirds of the students in special education. Across the board, in elementary, high school, and higher education, girls outperform boys in regard to homework and grades, as reported by the Public Broadcasting Service Web site,

So who is to blame for, what looks like, boy's educational apathy? Michael Thompson, coauthor of the book Raising Cain: Protecting the Emotional Life of Boys, believes that boys have too much energy for traditional schools. "More boys have problems with attention and focus than girls...And they are not given enough opportunities [in school] to move around."

Thompson's claim may support why boys are three times as likely to be diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Nevertheless, boys who are not turned off by the lack of movement and activity inside the classroom are often persuaded by societal ills outside the classroom, such as gangs and drugs. So how do we help make school and learning fun for our sons? And how do we teach boys to care about their education despite the obstacles they face in traditional schools and society? Below are just a few ways you can get your sons on the right track.'

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I have read the book, Raising Cain, and would suggest it for any one raising boys.

I also recommend keeping your boys out of traditional schools if you can. Schools are pro-girl. Boys get labelled as special ed, behavior disorders and abused all the time.

The article suggests finding a school that is more suited for boys like more PE and recess time. Good luck with that. Here in the US that is being cut more and more.

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