Unemployment blues: Men tend to say it ain't so

Article here. Excerpt:

"Seeking treatment for depression is still taboo for men, while increasing unemployment places more men at risk. Illinois' unemployment rate climbed to 7.3 percent as the national unemployment rate dropped to 6.7 percent in late last year.

And the unemployment rate for men has been higher than women in Illinois since 2005. The result is an increasing number of disenfranchised men in the Chicago area falling into depression.
Can unemployment be connected to depression in men?

Absolutely. Men in our culture have been socialized to view their jobs as very important and, often, their self-definition is all wrapped up in work. If they’re out of a job, it’s a major blow to their self-esteem. Often that results in depression. There’s really no quick fix to the economic problems we face, and all of that affects human beings in a profound way."

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