BBC personality made 40 false rape allegations against her ex-boyfriend

Story here. Excerpt:

' A BBC personality has shattered her ex-boyfriend's life by falsely accusing him of rape.

The woman, who has broadcast to television audiences of millions, accused him of raping her 40 times throughout their two-and-a-half-year relationship.

He was arrested, held in a police cell and handcuffed as police searched his flat for evidence of his crime. But she retracted her allegation weeks later, and the officer investigating the claims described them as 'inconsistent' and 'not credible'.

Despite the lack of evidence, the incident remains on the Police National Computer thanks to a legal loophole, which campaigners say is blighting the lives of falsely accused men.'

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The BBC is full of femnists, both male and female, so it's no surprise that one of it's female presenters would do such a thing. But it would be very interesting to know which presenter it is, lets hope someone leaks the info to the press.

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"...the incident remains on the Police National Computer thanks to a legal loophole..."

Canada does this crap to. If you are REPORTED as having committed a sexual offense your name is added to a database that remains the rest of your life no matter the outcome. Acquittal, exoneration, doesn't matter, your name is still flagged for social workers and police and groups that work with 'vulnerable individuals' to see when they do a background check on you.

How is it that we have reached such a level of hysteria that the 'no smoke without fire' set of individuals that screams 'women never lie about rape!' have succeeded in making an accusation alone enough to permanently scar an individuals life irregardless of due process or any other factors?

Why is it that those ACCUSED of sex crimes are now the only group of people who are guilty no matter what even if they are not? Since there is no system in place to remove your name from the new lists because our infinitely wise politicians have crafted laws in the "best interest of children" to create data bases to record suspected abusers - even most convicted murders can one day earn a pardon and rebuild their lives - individuals accused of sex crimes have absolutely no chance of ever fully restoring their lives to the way they were prior to the accusation.

There are definitely drawbacks to the information age we now live in.

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and searched his apartment for evidence of the rapes.


let me do some figgerin'.
that comes to better than a rape a month. and the purported
SANE police were looking for evidence? wonder what would that be?

recorded phone calls?

"i will not go out with you again if you are planning another rape.
what time you picking me up?".

doctor's visits?

"yes doctor, i have some tight bracelets and necklaces that causes those marks,
and makes me walk into doors repeatedly. yes, every month".

family testimony?

"joe, you really shouldn't let our daughter go out with that man if he
is just going to keep on raping her. did you notice what she was wearing tonight?
that blue sweater really covers up the bruise marks nicely".


"you know i dated him for a couple months and he raped me more than
he has raped her. that proves he doesn't like her more than he did me.
i'm prettier you know".

i know how the brit's are sticklers for word usage;, however, i think
they really missed the boat on this one, "inconsistent".
a better word would be STUPID. or maybe for the cops "BUTT-KISSERS".

seems to me that a purposeful false accusation IS a sex crime.
not going to charge women with much of anything though.
heck, we can't even get them to put women in jail for any serious
time for killing or repeatedly raping small children.

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Tom of Covent Garden

The BBC's complaints line is 03700100222 - if you call this number and complain that they have chosen to ignore this and other false allegation stories - they will write to you, explaining their policy, and causing them an administrative headache at least, so get calling!

Ask them if Woman's Hour will be covering the story.

Ask them why you, as a man, should pay your license, when men's issues like this are being brushed under the carpet. Tell them you'll pay your license when they cover the story.

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