New York Gov. Paterson to Name Rep. Gillibrand to Clinton's Former U.S. Senate Seat

Story here. You guys might be asking how this is relevant to us? It's obvious this is another example of political affirmative action. The NY seat was vacated by a Hillary Clinton therefore a female must take her place. Excerpt:

'New York Gov. David Paterson will name Rep. Kirsten Gillibrand, an upstate Democrat, to replace Hillary Clinton in the U.S. Senate, a Democratic official with knowledge of the governor's decision told FOX News on Thursday night.

Gillibrand, elected in 2006, represents the state's 20th congressional district in the U.S. House of Representatives. She is the first Democrat to represent the district since 1978 -- and the first female representative of the district.'

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'bout time New York actually had a senator from New York who wasn't there only as part of the downstate contingent (read: Hamptons vacationers) of New Yorkers.

Well, we'll see how she does. Could have been much worse; could have been Princess Caroline. What really would have been great was if the gov. actually called an election like the governors of states were meant to do rather than just use the vacancy as a patronage/crony/political opportunity. Now THAT would have been really radical!

Looks like there will be a special election-- but in 2010. I suppose I can understand, given the cost and considering the budget mess NY and the other states are in.

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