India: Heartless Kolkata watches man die

Read the story here. Do you think a woman would have been left to die on the streets like this? Mostly not. But the status of men is lower than even animals. Excerpt:

'KOLKATA: It's known as a city with a heart caring, nourishing and reaching out to the helpless and destitutes. This premise was put to test over the weekend, and sadly, Kolkata failed.

As hundreds of passersby and locals watched, a man shivered to death beside a garbage vat at the Rafi Ahmed Kidwai Road-Ripon Street crossing late on Monday evening. The vat is metres away from the spot where a police patrol vehicle stands every night. According to eyewitnesses, the man had been lying there ill, unfed, and in pain since Thursday night.
On Monday morning, Jalani fed the man tea and biscuits. He then bathed his hands and feet in warm water and rushed to his father Hakim Mohammad Quayum, a practitioner of traditional medicine.
The area is teeming with thousands of people all day, but no one moved a muscle to rescue the man. "Buddha to garbage mein para tha. Usko hum kaise help kare? (The old man was lying on garbage. How could I help him?)," was the response of Ajmal Khan, a local tea-stall owner.'

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