Harkin's Statement On the Fair Pay Act

Article here. Published in April 2008 but relevant to the kind of rationale being used. Harkin is appealing to the Labor Theory of Value which in essence says work's value is commensurate with how much effort is put into it rather than whether or not the product thereof is in demand. Based on that thinking if one were to dig a sand-pit in the middle of a desert, one should be paid the same as if he were to excavate by request a similarly-sized hole in downtown Manhattan where a building is to be put. Excerpt:

'Defenders of this status quo offer all manner of bogus explanations as to why women make less. How many times have I heard the fairy tale that women work for fulfillment while men work to support their families? This ignores the great majority of single women who work to support themselves, and married women whose paycheck is all that allows their family to make ends meet. It ignores the harsh reality that so many women face in the workplace, where they have to work twice as hard to be taken seriously, or, say, get pushed into being a cashier when they had applied for a better-paying sales job. These pervasive acts of discrimination deny women fair pay; and they also deny women basic dignity.

Let me cite just one example of the discrimination I am talking about. Last year, in a hearing of the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions, we heard remarkable testimony from Dr. Philip Cohen of the University of North Carolina. Dr. Cohen compared nurses’ aides, who are overwhelmingly women, and truck drivers, who are overwhelmingly men. In both groups, the average age is 43. Both require “medium” amounts of strength. Nurses’ aides, on average have more education and training. But nurses’ aides make less than 60 percent of what truck drivers make.'

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There is no way in hell a nurses aids responsibilities are equivalent to that of a truck drivers.

A nurses aid works for an LPN or RN -- both of which are paid very well. A RN in NYC can earn close to six figures. Nurses aids essentially change bed pans and serve food. If a nurses aid salary is doubled, that would necessitate a huge increase for LPN's and RN's. Is a nurse worth $150,000 a year? Their increased salaries are paid by a patients increased insurance premiums.

Truck drivers sometimes drive 15 hours a day cross country. They operate a 20 ton 18 wheeler with a 20 plus gear shifter. They battle inclement weather and the job is often dangerous. Anyone familiar with a jack knife?

Basically, if a man works a dangerous truck driving job and treated for a work related injury, he pays extra insurance premiums to offset the increased salary of nurse aids -- who are now paid more because some bureaucrat thinks their worth the same as that injured truck driver????

This Harkin bill eliminates salary worth based on the free market law of supply and demand and gives the government license to determine wages. Essentially, their looking to increase women's wages at the expense of stagnating male earnings.

The disrespect for men's work has become apparent. 93% of work place deaths are men, a little extra compensation isn't an unfair gesture.

Further more, is anyone else sick and tired of hearing women work twice as hard to earn appreciation?

Tom Harkin is a chilvarous ass clown. If he's selling crazy, I'm not buying.


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it would be funny.

what i see is women and lawyers finding another way
for women to sue in the workplace. got to find work
for all the lawyers we don't need, and of course women
are always in line for some type affirmative action/welfare.

it's obvious to anyone w/ half a brain that women
can't, in general, compete w/ men in the workplace.
yeah, all the men conspire against them. we meet in
the restrooms to arrange it all.

why don't we just send these grown children a check
to stay home.

i too, like so many talking heads on the news, believe we are headed
for some really hard times ahead. uncontrolled handouts got us headed
down this dark, dusty road, and continued handouts, like this
one, will seal our fate.

i looked at some pic's today from the depression days. NOT pretty.
mostly VERY young boys suffering in the mines working 18 hour days.
those were the days women complain that they were second class citizens,
because they couldn't vote, right?

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Part of me feels like we should let this act go without any retaliation, then bombard the courts and congress with the REAL facts.

But the rest of me knows that would never work.

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