Woman seeking alimony after common-law marriage

Story here. Excerpt:

'MONTREAL — She is a willowy brunette with supermodel looks. He is a multimillionaire who travels the globe. Their union produced three kids - and their breakup is now poised to test Canadian law.

A Montreal woman turned to a Quebec judge yesterday in a bid to obtain alimony from her wealthy ex. She says she was the man's companion, travel partner, and mother to their children: The only thing she wasn't was his wife.

Now the woman is challenging federal law and seeking $50-million of her ex's fortune, saying she was unfairly penalized because she never tied the knot.'

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Sounds like he was smart to not have married her in the first place. Unfortunately, the system will try to circumvent any unfortunate legal red tape to make sure she steals money that she didn't earn.

"I never thought I would have to go before a judge to ask for my money or my rights," the woman, who is in her 30s, told reporters outside the courtroom.

Emphasis mine.

Her money? HER MONEY?

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"The woman, who split from her ex in 2001 but has shared custody of the children, receives $35,000 a month in child-support payments. But she wants a separate sum of $56,000 a month in spousal support for herself.

Under cross-examination, she admitted to the court that her former partner was paying for a new $2.4-million home for her and their children in upper Outremont, along with $500,000 for her to furnish and fix it up. He was also paying for a cook, two nannies, and the children's private schooling."

My heart just breaks for this poor woman--a mere $35,000 a month in child support. How her children must suffer with two nannies, a cook and private schooling. And a house worth a mere $2.4 mil.

Maybe she should go back to South America where everyone lives in the lap of luxury.

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if true to feminist form, and representative of most all
western type governments,
will put on a BIG show.
lawyers will have thousands of billable hours,
at outrageous rates for sure.
the poor woman will cry. excuses will be made.
and what we all know was going to happen, will happen, and
she will get a fantastic amount of "her $$" returned to her.

i really don't understand how it was ever "her $$" to begin with,
but i try to be honest, so i don't understand this type thinking.

always, always, always these idiots will do whatever is necessary to separate a
man from his wallet. notice the part about how this is "for the children"?
they will use that zinger for everything from abortion rights to
abduction of one's children. she is getting too much CS now.
this is just plain old government sanctioned GREED and extortion.
woman wants $$. man has $$$. it has for decades been a foregone conclusion.

this slippery slope is headed into every man's wallet.

"you had a date/relationship with this woman, therefore you were married.

did i mention all the women will say she deserved every penny?
and how he has so much he won't miss it? she had "HIS" children, she deserves it!

it must be good to be a queen/princess.


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Since this is the same country that recently forced a man to continue paying for two children that aren't his, which he was defrauded into supporting.

Any woman who thinks women deserve allimony doesn't deserve respect. You have to earn it, just like money! Ba-zing!

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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...stop putting price tags on their vaginas, I'll stop seeing them as prostitutes.

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great, Julie Couillard just finished annoying the hell out of everyone and now we already have another one who wants her 15 minutes of glory.







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This woman is clearly the most expensive lady of the night that this world has ever seen.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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Oh look! Yet another story about a rich man getting taken by a gold digging slut. Just when are these rich guys going to get a clue about the screwing you get is not worth the screwing you will take when mz wonderful decides to cash in?

We still hear about people who should know better falling for the Nigerian bank transfer scam so I guess it isn't too far of a stretch to still hear about men who should know better falling for the gold digger sting.

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You'd think that one of these days a woman would piss off the wrong millionaire and he'd start throwing his money at the problem by funding mens activism and buying some politicians.

Why hasn't this happened yet?

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