Fox Forum: "Obama, the Feminist?"

Article here. Excerpt:

'Feminists need to realize that if we want truly equal treatment for women, we have to stop demanding preferential treatment, in the form of senate seats, anti-men legislation and the conventient revision of history. And they need to remember that real American women — in San Francisco, Topeka, and Anchorage — are not defined by only one issue.

Ms. magazine has offended a lot of women in the past — both by glorifying and, in fact, celebrating abortion as an act of defiance against men, and by appearing anti-Semitic in refusing to run an ad honoring Israeli women. If the election of Barack Obama is opening feminists’ eyes to the realities of the world — that men are valuable and important, and shouldn’t be excluded from our fight for equality — then I am now a huge supporter of Barack Obama. Here’s hoping the new feminist mantra can be “I Am Man, Hear Me Roar.”

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Men won't speak such a mantra with words, but with actions. What is the current Men's mantra? "I have power and will not surrender"? "I will not submit"?

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I never thought Obama was a bad guy or even a feminist. Even Michelle Bernard, head of the "Independent Women's Forum" and frequent commenter on MSNBC said of the election that it is an important time for men, especially black ones.

It is also nice to see some acknowledgment about male politicians roles in passing pro-female / anti-male legislation, rather than just lumping them into the "evil patriarchy" catgetory. Though, this article never mentioned VAWA specifically.

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this issue has always been at the forefront of the
feminist debacle. every city of any size has a baby-killing
factory, making $$ and feeding at the Fed. trough.
that is what gives life to the fem. movement in general, $$$.
obama is pro-abortion. that is enough for me. he even plans
to favor the partial birth variety that sucks the brains out
of a child as he/she struggles to be born.

imho - this an abomiation before God, and any country that allows
it will not last long.

if feminist practices like this one are so great, let's put them on TV
for all to judge. yeah, i thought so. anything goes with evil BUT the TRUTH.


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...a feminist. His words, not mine.

I wonder if he's going to announce with the same pride and impunity that he's a racist? Or an anti-Semite?

I doubt it; it's only acceptable to hate men, and then only because they're men. Apparently this self-loathing bag of psychological conflicts hates himself too since black men have some of the poorest outcomes in all of American society, but he's going to do nothing about it. He campaigned on a promise to hand more unearned goodies over to well-off white women and their self-interest groups.

What a waste.

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