UK: Female teacher at top boys' school arrested for 'having sex with sixth formers'

Story here. Excerpt:

"A female teacher at a top private boys' school has been arrested over allegations of sexual misconduct involving sixth-formers.

Hannah McIntyre, 24, has been suspended from her job at Merchant Taylors school, in Crosby, Merseyside.
The alleged sexual activity is said to have taken place away from the premises of the £8,000-a-year school, whose former pupils include ex-Archbishop of Canterbury Robert Runcie.

Although sixth-form students are above the age of consent, it is a criminal offence for teachers to engage in sexual activity with them because of their 'relationship of trust'.

Government guidance also warns teachers that 'intimate or sexual relationships between staff and pupils will be regarded as a grave breach of trust'."


Ed. note: Re "Sixth form". The students were thus likely to be around 16-to-18 years of age. In the U.S. it's equivalent to the junior and senior years of high school.

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