UK: "Harman's latest men-bashing policy is not just odious - it turns morality inside out"

Article here. Excerpt:

'Having given us class war yesterday with her ‘equality’ proposals the Minister for Women, Harriet Harman, returns today to her signature battleground of the sex war to promote yet another policy that springs from the desire to give men a bashing.

At present, the law provides a defence of provocation to the charge of murder in cases where there is a sudden loss of temper or self-control.

For years, Harman and the sisterhood have campaigned against this provision which they say discriminates against women. This is because, typically, men kill their womenfolk in the heat of the moment - most often on account of perceived infidelity - while women who kill their menfolk rarely do so in a similar state of uncontrollable rage.
Now the Coroners and Justice Bill says this provocation provision will be scrapped altogether and be replaced with two partial defences - that people have killed because they fear they could be the victim of serious violence, or can prove they have been ‘seriously wronged’ by their victim.

Harriet Harman has said: ‘For centuries the law has allowed men to escape a murder charge in domestic homicide cases by blaming the victim. Ending the provocation defence in cases of 'infidelity' is an important law change and will end the culture of excuses.'

But the fact is that this change discriminates against men, justice and morality.
Moreover, ministers appear to be not only dismissing the grievous wrong of infidelity but inverting the moral responsibility, so that the wrong lies not with the unfaithful spouse but with ‘the spouse who is thus betrayed' who is apparently at fault for ‘sexual jealousy’.

So marital betrayal actually becomes the fault of the betrayed. How odious is this? It’s not just taking a swipe at morality – it is to turn it inside out.
Harman and the sisterhood are most obviously motivated by a deep animus against men. But what this proposed change shows so very clearly is that behind such extreme man-hating feminism - along with all the rest of the sub-Marxist agenda that constitutes fashionable thinking - lies an onslaught upon the bedrock moral values upon which our society and its laws depend.'

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This was an excellent well written article. Rock on Ms. Phillips! Thank you for being living proof that many women are extremely intelligent and capable of seeing through the manipulation of certain politicians. I'm from Canada, and even I'm aware of Harman's reputation for being a misandrist. It's interesting, because as a men's rights activist, my respect for many women has increased. I've encountered many who care about our movement and help us immensely by calling man-haters out. Thank you for being one of these wonderful women, unlike the hideous Ms. Hag, err Harman.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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