Area girls team continue to practice against the boys

Story here. Excerpt:

'The recent lawsuit by a female high school basketball player who was injured scrimmaging against males has caused area coaches to take notice, but not make changes.

Girls basketball teams at Ross, Lakota West and Madison are among those who regularly practice against boys, but their sessions are structured and the boys are scrutinized.

"It's not like we're just grabbing anyone out of the hallway and saying, 'Come play against our girls,' " Madison coach John Rossi Jr. said. "Most of these guys are friends with the girls, and they're all good-character, straight-A type of kids, and we let them know we're not interested in seeing what the heck you can do."'

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The coach has bascially said that girls are inferior and that boys make them better. What do the boys get out of playing against lesser opponents? How many other lawsuits are going to start rolling in when a girl gets hit or knocked down? It also raises the question that if girls can play contact sports against men, they must be able to take the knocks and cuts and bruises, etc, so why exactly do women need to be concerned with domestic violence?

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I have no problem with this, provided that the boys aren't being forced to play against the girls, and that they still face off against boys teams. I suppose that with the possibility of lawsuits, it might not be such a good idea. Though I must say, it's actually nice to read an article that complements the male gender for a change.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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