"Lilly Ledbetter Is No Victim"

Article here. Excerpt:

'I have represented many sex discrimination victims. I have won their cases. After 20 years of such efforts, I know a victim when I see one. Let me tell you something: Lilly Ledbetter is no victim. When Ledbetter issued, I reserved judgment as I wished to actually read the opinion first, something knee-jerk liberals rarely do. They are so politically motivated to cry foul that the actual legal merits of the case are of no concern to them.
Here’s another fact ignored in the political rhetoric. Ledbetter, for unexplained reasons, abandoned an Equal Pay Act claim asserted in her suit. The Equal Pay Act does not contain Title VII’s filing limitations, nor does it require plaintiffs to prove intent. It was a much better claim, easier to prove, and it was timely. After abandoning it on appeal, Ledbetter essentially tried to squeeze the EPA claim into Title VII’s framework and she justly failed in the effort.

They ought properly to rename the bill as the Ledbetter Con Act of 2009. But she’ll stand next to Obama at the signing, like she was some kind of Rosa Parks. What a joke.'

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