Family court to men - 'Just shut up and pay'

See editorial here. The misandry inflicted upon fathers and men seems to be finally hitting the mainstream media with more regularity. A well written editorial on last weeks article on forcing a man to pay child support even though he was not the biological father.

Once again I urge you to read the comments after the editorial that are for the most part polite well thought out arguments against the current judical and societal systems that inflicts pain and hardships on men and fathers.

One such example:

Ontario family law has been predicated o Odium Paternus -- Hatred of fathers. It is truly disgusting, and has the unbridled support of sociopaths and psychopaths who use these laws to extort, coerce and steal funds from fathers and good natured people.

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Comments're a fool, plain and simple. Get a vasectomy, get tested afterwards (and periodically thereafter) to ensure that it "takes", then have fun with anyone you please, assuming she's not already pregnant or a mother.

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This is more than misandry, its become a civil rights issue. This discrimination will become rectified when more men stand up for their rights. Eventually more men will become aware of judicial abuse and will use this as a voting issue. When politicians realize men won't cast their vote unless changes are made -- is when they'll take us seriously.

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are really starting to "get it".

men need to keep pouring it on.

courts turn a deaf ear at their own peril.

"the best interest of the child?"

resign and let honest people judge their neighbors.

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If men as a group allow these gross human rights and civil rights violations to continue it will be the first instance in human history that a subjected slave class had the vote and the political power to prevent their enslavement but chose to not do it.


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I think what would be in the best interests of the child is them being allowed to know who their real father is (something they have a fundamental right to know, as well as a need to know for medical reasons). I think the best interests of a child should include living in a nation where blatant fraud and misandry are not forced upon individuals, with the court system actually aiding in this. The best interests of a child include not feeling guitly for a man who is clearly not your father having to pay the tab for you, thanks to your harlot mother.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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