"In support of a feminist stimulus"

Blog entry here. The biggest issue I have with this idea is the suggestion of requiring construction companies to implement one third of new apprenticeships to women. If we're trying to improve the infrastructure, why use affirmative action to hire unqualified women? Does feminist equity include bridges collapsing? Excerpt:

'We suggest three lines of action that will insure that women get a fair share of the benefits from your program:

1. Revive and enforce the Labor Department regulations that require government contractors to institute affirmative action plans that provide a share of the jobs for women and minorities. Closely monitor the contractors for compliance.

2. In connection with the infrastructure projects, institute apprenticeships, and ensure that at least one third of the positions go to women.

3. Add projects in health, child care, education, social service that will both provide jobs to women, and also provide needed services to them.'

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Isn't that, like, you know, work?

Let's see...
-might ruin the french nails
-can't wear expensive pumps
-might actually sweat at some point.

Three strikes, yer out!!! Isn't it just easier to marry your income?

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I have a hard time believing they want these jobs because they want to work. How many wanna guess what they really want are management desk jobs in A/C buildings with great pay? Exactly.

The reason why there aren't many in construction today is because blue collar work is actually that, work! As one who grew up in construction and who knows what the environment is like, if I had to choose between staying at home, watching soaps, going shopping, doing piddly stuff around the house or doing construction, what do you think I'd choose? But, then, those girly things they do all day don't appeal to me anyway. :-P


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It just get worst and worst. The more I read this site the more convinced I am that it is not just a social fashion we are up against but an unstoppable movement. Like similar things in the past the only way that it can be reversed is when it overreaches itself and falls apart of its own accord.

Feminists will just keep going on and on in the same direction impervious to everything except their own thought and desires. Perhaps the best way to resist it is to help push it forwards to destruction. In doing so many of us will be brought down as well.

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1. Revive and enforce the Labor Department regulations that require government contractors to institute affirmative action plans that provide a share of the jobs for women and minorities. Closely monitor the contractors for compliance.
2. In connection with the infrastructure projects, institute apprenticeships, and ensure that at least one third of the positions go to women.

Both these favor women at the expense of men.

3. Add projects in health, child care, education, social service that will both provide jobs to women, and also provide needed services to them.

This, however, doesn't have that "equality" flavor to it. Notice how these areas provide jobs to women, but aren't being requested to skew everything towards being "equal?" Ah, this favors women so never mind.

The minute feminists stop acting like spoiled entitled children will be the minute they start gaining (actual) respect from everyone else.

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