Recent anti-fathers' groups article in "The Star" generates response

MANN story here. Seems comments on her article generated a reaction from "the management"; read here. Excerpt:

'The comments have exploded on some of my recent posts relating to men's rights groups, divorce and custody, child support and paternity issues. Many of them remain unpublished -- not by me but by the Star's Kommentariat Bureau, aka The Goderators -- who assume responsibility and control of these matters.

If it were up to me, I would post them all, including the obscene and hateful ones. I think being called a ''feminazi whore'' and worse by those who purport to seek fairness and justice kind of reinforces my point that some guys have anger issues.
...There used to be a time when women, before feminism gave them the opportunity to have decent careers outside the home, also got alimony automatically, along with sole custody and child support.

Remember that?

I do.

Feminism screwed women out of alimony. It gave us "manimony." It also helped joint custody happen.

Just saying.'

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At least they know what they're up against now. Scanning the comments (including the ratings) and it's clear how many MRAs and father rights activists exist now.

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It truly is remarkable how many members of society both male and female are now calling out journalists and other members of the media out on their misandry. I guess the times they are-a-changing after all!

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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notice how when actually presented w/ facts and figures
(that they asked to see)
the "professional" journalists clamed up?

can the truth can be so strange to those trained
(supposedly) to seek it out?

i have long suspected journalism schools have, like so
many other fields, been decimated by affirmative action type
(see "dumbed down") hiring/schooling
requirements, and the feminists having injected their own
special "touch and destroy" mentality.

down here we call that little exchange
"getting your butt kicked".

good work all.

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...and she will disappear like every other professional manhater. Let her blather to empty air and stop giving her the attention her publisher wants you to give her.

Don't get me wrong: I respect the opinions of the men who have commented here and at thestar's blog(s).

But this person is a troll. Nothing more, nothing less. Don't feed her. I know I won't.

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I did not respond on the message board as I did not know there was one. Instead I sent an e-mail and got a response. Essentially I said that anger was the right response to what is happening and that we are only at the beginning and worse was to come. She said this was ominous even threatening.

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