"Equity bill" passes House

Story here. Excerpt:

'WASHINGTON – The House has passed legislation to assure that employers live up to their four-decade-old legal promise to provide equal pay for equal work.

Democrats led lawmakers in approving a bill making clear that women who are victims of gender-based discrimination can sue for compensatory and punitive damage.
"Equal pay is an issue of fundamental fairness," House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said. "But as families grapple with difficult economic times, equal pay for equal work is often about daily survival for millions of families."

Republican opponents saw the measures, introduced in the first week of the new Congress, as an incentive for people to file lawsuits that will benefit trial lawyers. It's "little more than an earmark for the trial bar," said Rep. Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn.

The Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act is a response to a 2007 Supreme Court decision that made it more difficult to sue over past pay discrimination. The other bill, the Paycheck Fairness Act, would strengthen the 1963 Equal Pay Act that requires equal pay for equal work.'

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I guess a lot of men will be getting raises.

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to count on obama being the champion of unfair
practices in regards to pay for all americans, huh?

in a honest world that would mean the end of
affirmative action as well. that's the only unfair
labor practice on a mega-scale i've ever seen
in my decades in the work place, and i worked for
an array of large companies. any odds on that happening anyone?

so this is the type change he is talking about. figgered as much.

heck, everyone over say 35,40? has seen this type change before,
and every student of history. the old soviet union tried to
make everyone equal in the workplace. i saw the misery that
change caused and the happiness of the end to that change
when that wall came down. thanks Mr. Reagan. More of that
is the kind of change we need in these terrible times.
NOT more freakin handouts to special interest groups, like this.

that's how we got here.

that's OK. next election, when feminists have every extra fed. $$
tied up, and every once profitible company on the rocks,
and angry americans are looking for someone to blame,
we will know which door to knock on, won't we barrack?

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