No Charge: In Civil-Contempt Cases, Jail Time Can Stretch On for Years

Article here. Excerpt:

'One can spend a long time in jail in the U.S. without ever being charged with a crime.

It happened to H. Beatty Chadwick, a former Philadelphia-area lawyer, who has been behind bars for nearly 14 years without being charged.
All three men were jailed for civil contempt, a murky legal concept. Some scholars say it is too often abused by judges, to the detriment of those charged and their due-process rights. "These results of too many civil-contempt confinements are flatly outrageous and often unconstitutional," says Jayne Ressler, a professor at Brooklyn Law School.
Consider Mr. Chadwick's case. In 1994, during divorce proceedings, a Delaware County judge held Mr. Chadwick in civil contempt for failing to put $2.5 million in a court-controlled account. He says he lost the money in bad investments; his wife's attorney claimed he had hidden it offshore. In April 1995, Mr. Chadwick was arrested and detained. Nearly 14 years later, Mr. Chadwick, who suffers from non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, is still in jail -- even after a retired judge was hired to help locate the money, and failed.'

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that calls itself todays judiciary, long ago lost any
idea of the precepts of law. they are making money
taking from men and giving to women. that's it. that's
what the "law" has become. they use "murky" concepts
like "contempt of court" and "best interests of the child"
to whitewash everything and take the law anywhere they need it to go.
they have totally
abandoned their ethics.
once honorable concepts, like
justice, fairness, equality, truth and such, have no place among
the evil that is today's "legal profession".

the injustice this man has suffered is criminal. and the real
criminals wear the robes of authority. this mess won't get fixed
as long as this trash holds the reins, and call whatever they do to
get $$$$ and special privilege for their feminist partners justice.

i'm really surprised men wronged by these pretenders haven't made society pay a much higher price
for their misdeeds. it's coming. it's probably already worse than reported
by the fem-media.

without equality there can be no justice.

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Forcing someone to prove a negative(I do not have the money) is un-Constitutional. It is up to the court to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that said money exists. This judge would receive no protection from me if I saw danger headed his way.
Let Equality flourish, the chips fall where they may.

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I have at other places on this message board expressed the thought that women are filth. Saying that is not to imply they are the only ones deserving the title. Certainly the legal profession and judges in particular are if anything even worse. The only way I might part company from the above posters is that I still think the judiciary are filth when they are persecuting a woman as they do from time to time.

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I agree that these crooked judges are filth. I however cannot say that women are filth, for I know many that are true humanists and respect men, and don't believe in female entitlement whatsoever. I'm thankful to have these women in my life, because they are proof that this is not a man vs. woman type of fight. It is men's rights advocates vs. societies current ways.

Come on, man, read a few of Barbara Kay's articles then tell me all women are filth. It's not true. Though I must admit that a considerable number of women are, indeed, filth. The ones that committ paternity fraud, make men's lives hell through the legal system, abuse and/or kill their husbands, and those that believe in female entitlement are filth. But that does not account for the entire female gender, I am pleased to say.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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The majority of women are fine.

One of my many problems with feminist's is their insistence on chastising men as a collective unit based on a few bad apples. I condemn their communal blame of men and feel doing the same to women is hypocritical.

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Some day when the M/F rights movement finally gets it's act together and gets LARGE, one of the first items on the agenda should be generating a federal ruling that contempt of court cannot be involuntary. This needs to be fought all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court, if necessary. Said ruling, besides being just plain common sense, would free and exempt from incarceration all those fathers who simply can't pay their extortionate CS orders. They are, after all, jailed for contempt of court.

The advantage of such a ruling is that it is non-gendered, i.e., it doesn't directly address men's or fathers' rights per se.

The strategy is to find a test case unrelated to CS, a case where, say, a defendant with Tourettes is penalized for his (or preferably, her) outbursts. Fight the case with funding from, but not the endorsement of, a M/F group and set a precedent.

This is the kind of stealth litigation the fems were proficient at before they were big enough for a frontal assault.

Of course, we gotta get BIG. It always comes down to that.

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It happens EVERY DAY in courts across America as innocent men are Falsely Accused (the NUCLEAR OPTION in divorce) of having molested their children and watch their lives fall to ruin around them.
Myself an others are working with State Legislators for a law specifically criminalizing FA in all aspects of life, with special attention (ie HARSH sentencing guidelines) focused on FA/SAID in custody proceedings (we met for breakfast with a state Senator just this past Thursday). Who wants to join with us in reining in Judiciary Abuses of innocent men at the behest of venomous women?
I see a day coming when such travesties of justice as ex-wives using the courts for their 'bully boys' against innocent men is going to result in law suits with MASSIVE pay outs.
I hope Mr Chadwicks family files such a suit for a 10 digit figure, since proving Judicial Abuse is in his case is such a duck shoot.
Gunner Retired
F4J Georgia/NPRA
(Feel free to email for guidance on writing a False Accusations law in your state to provide to your local fathers rights group: Gunner Retired -no space- at hot mail)

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Retired Gunner,

Is there a petition we can sign?

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