A Man’s Take On Advice In Women’s Magazines

Article here. Excerpt:

'Peruse any magazine rack and various Web sites and you’ll see headlines such as these splattered all over. Inside you’ll read article upon article about how women can decode, seduce, corral, turn on, and coerce men.

One is left to believe that men don’t want to be married or in any sort of committed relationship, men don’t want to treat women well, men don’t want families, men don’t want to settle down, and worst of all, men don’t even have the desire or the ability to communicate any of this about themselves. Good thing we smell so good.
I happen to know women who don’t want to be married and/or in a serious relationship. I know women who aren’t the articulate, clear communicators they’re supposed to be. I know women who aren’t that into kids and don’t want a family.

So pardon my frustration, and other men’s, when we read articles portraying us as the incapable, the insincere, and the incompetent gender.'

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Anyone with a brain can tell that women's advice magazines are nothing more than a bunch of watered-down ficticious B.S. All you have to do is look at the cover and count the number of times the word 'sex' or 'orgasm' appears, and you'll wonder to yourself how a gender that is clearly more fixated with sex than the male gender could believe it's more intelligent. Not to say that women can't be as intelligent as men, but certainly one gender is not smarter than the other(maybe in specific areas, but not overall). Of course these women's 'advice' magazines are not proof that women are smarter than men, if anything it's only proof that women are actually hornier.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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