Minnesota: Child custody law up for review

Article here. Excerpt:

'St. Paul, Minn. — When a couple with a child divorces, a judge is supposed to start with a clean slate before deciding whether the child will live solely with mom, dad, or split living with each of them.

But under a legislative proposal, judges would presume the child would live with both parents unless there's a good reason not to -- such as child abuse.

While adding the word "presumption" to a statute may seem trivial, it would level the legal playing field that fathers' rights groups say is currently tilted against them.
Jobst says changing the laws so that judges presume divorced parents share physical custody would allow children to spend more time with both parents.
The state already presumes that both parents will share legal custody of children, which is different from physical custody.'

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The webpage below has been created to show the bias of the study group. We expect no changes to be recommended in current law because most of the members on the "study" group benefit from the current system.


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Thanks Charlie. The composition of the "study group" shows that any panel will be a show trial.

Articles like this always bug me. They are always written by women, usually interview more mothers than fathers, usually emphasize the con more than the pro, and always contain qualified statements like:

    Fathers-4-Justice, which contends that the court system tends to favor mothers in divorce cases

Compare such halfhearted statements to pronouncements on the fictional wage gap, statements that unequivocally state "women earn 77 cents on the dollar for the same work," blah, blah, blah...

If you start reading any article that states that fathers **FEEL** that there is bias in family courts, you don't really have to read any further.

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