Washington Post: 'One Gender's Crash'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Let me begin with the caveats: I like men. My husband is one, as are my two sons. I have spent most of my career surrounded by men, and I have no major complaints. But as the financial debacle unfolds, I can't help noticing that all the perpetrators of the greatest economic mess in eight decades are, well, men. Specifically, they are rich, white, middle-aged guys, same as the ones who brought us Watergate in the 1970s, the Teapot Dome scandal in the 1920s and, presumably, the fall of Rome.
The financial crisis has exposed a quieter but equally pressing concern: We need women in leadership positions not only because they can manage as well as men but because they manage differently than men; because they tend -- over time and in the aggregate -- to make different kinds of decisions and to accept and avoid different kinds of risk. We need women who will say no to bad decisions based on male-dominated rivalries and clubby golf course confidences. We need women to blow the whistle when risks explode and to challenge the presumptions that too many men, clustered too closely together and sharing a common worldview, can easily indulge.'

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...it would be due to the influence of women on society and politics.

Seems there can be only one explanation for the financial crash we're in: Middle-aged white men. Run 'em out of town!

I have an alternate explanation: Greed with a healthy dose of ignorance of some basic concepts of accounting and risk management, combined of course with "the best of intentions". Are women immune to this combination? Hardly.

The road to Hell is, as they say, paved with good intentions. The on-ramp I have noticed is paved with false assumptions. And after you arrive, you have to blame somebody. We know who gets blamed in this case (and so many others).

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Lets take a look back at male created inventions since 2000. I wonder if any of these items have benefited this female author? If your going to blame us, at least show some respect for our contributions to society.


Modern Inventions of 2001

AbioCor artificial heart invented by Abiomed - the Abiocor represents groundbreaking medical miniaturization technology. Nuvaring birth control invented by Organon.

Artificial liver invented by Dr. Kenneth Matsumura and Allen Foundation.

Fuel cell bike invented by Aprilia.

Self-cleaning windows invented by PPG Industries.
On October 23, 2001 Apple Computers publicly announced their portable music digital player the iPod, created under project codename Dulcimer.
Time Magazine Modern Inventions of the Year 2001

Modern Inventions of 2002
Braille Glove invented by Ryan Patterson.

Phone tooth invented by James Auger and Jimmy Loizeau.

Nano-tex - nanotechnology wearable fabrics invented by Nano-tex LLC.

Birth control patch invented by Ortho McNeil Pharmaceutical.

Foveon Camera Chip invented by Richard Merrill.

Solar Tower invented by Jorg Schlaich.

Virtual keyboard invented by Canesta and VKB.

ICOPOD invented by Sanford Ponder.
Time Magazine Modern Inventions of the Year 2002

Modern Inventions of 2003
Optical Camouflage System invented by Susumu Tachi, Masahiko Inami, and Naoki Kawakami

Toyota's Hybrid Car

Ice Bike invented by Dan Hanebrink

New Toy Robots Max the robotic cat invented by Omron, LUCKY,
THE ROVING ROBO-RAPTOR invented by Walt Disney Imagineering, and Sony builds Aibo a companion called Orion.

Java Log a log for your fireplace made from used coffee grinds and invented by Rod Sprules

Infrared Fever Screening System used in public buildings to scan for people with a high temperature from a fever or sars invented by Singapore Technologies Electronics and the Singapore Defense Science and Technology Agency

The No-Contact Jacket invented by Adam Whiton and Yolita Nugent, protects the wearer by electric shocking any attackers.

Time Magazine Modern Inventions of the Year 2003
Popular Science Best of What's New 2003
Modern Inventions of 2004

Adidas 1 the thinking shoes with a built in microprocessor that decides how soft or firm support the wearer needs. Chosen by Popular Science magazine as the best recreation invention of 2004.

Translucent Concrete developed by Hungarian architect Aron Losonczi and called LitraCon and is based on a matrix of parallel optical glass fibers embedded into the concrete that can transmit light and color from the outside. However, this is not the only translucent concrete out there.

Inventor Bill Price has been developing another variety.
Ka-on or Flower Sound are plants that play music invented by the Japanese based Let's Corporation. Flowers bouquets will act as loudspeakers when placed in a special vase that has electronics hidden in the base.

Intel Express Chipsets - Grantsdale and Alderwood are the code names of Intel's newest chips that will provide superior and inexpensive built-in sound and video capacities for the PC including the ability to do high definition video editing without additional computer cards.

SonoPrep invented by bioengineer Robert Langer, is a device that will deliver medication by sound waves rather than injection. According to the Sontra Medical Corporation, SonoPrep manufacturer: The small, battery-powered device applies low-frequency ultrasonic energy to the skin for 15 seconds. The ultrasound temporarily rearranges lipids in the skin, opening channels that let fluids be delivered or extracted. After about 24 hours, the skin returns to normal.

Popular Science Best of What's New 2004
Time Magazine Modern Inventions of the Year 2004
Modern Inventions of 2005

YouTube - the online video sharing and viewing community - was invented in 2005 by Steve Chen, Chad Hurley and Jawed Karim. YouTube was named Time Magazines Invention of the year in 2006.


I stopped at 2006 -- I think you get my point.

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...about Indians suggesting that women should run the show because men happened to be around during the credit crisis:


Idiots who want to spew "women are better than men" better have some evidence to back it up. No female leader has ever done better than male leaders by any quantitative measure I'm aware of.

But why let pesky things like facts, history or reality interfere with the usual stream of misandric diarrhea emanating from the mouth of the mainstream media.

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Look how she starts the article:

'Let me begin with the caveats: I like men. My husband is one, as are my two sons. I have spent most of my career surrounded by men, and I have no major complaints.'


It almost seems like she's trying to 'sugar coat' her misandry.

I guess we should be grateful she doesn't hate her husband and sons.

Next Qoute:

'A Catalyst Research study last year found that women make up almost 60 percent of the workforce at Fortune 500 finance and insurance companies'


Why aren't those 60% of female workers held accountable for the wall street bail outs? A business is only as good as its employees, right?

Wait, did I use accountability and female in the same sentence?

My bad --

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Anthony writes: " Wait, did I use accountability and female in the same sentence? / My bad --"

Dammit man, NOT while I'm drinking coffee.

<- wanders off to the kitchen for a towel to wipe the monitor.



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In the UK there has been the recent fiasco regarding the scandalous cover up of abuse by social services, all the "people" involved where women, all the ones sacked were women, and social services is a female dominated profession. We didn't get any male journalists saying: "oh, all the people involved were white middle class women, they messed up because the they were women".

Plus there has been issues with health care services in regards to the handling of MRSA and the waste of cash on consultants and what not, all of the health care directors that have been sacked or publically criticised have been women. There has been no mention of the fact these women failed at their job, or were incompetent because they are women. This female commentator is another example of the hate fuelled lying filth that populates the media, they see take every opportunity to demonise men and whip up hatred for men, I guess she wants all the women who feel worried about the credit crisis to direct their anger at men, and she wants men to feel guitly for there stupid innate "maleness" that has caused the problem.

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If there's any profession that should face scrutiny its our teachers. I think the US is ranked 30th in the world for math and science proficiency. It doesn't take a genius to realize boys are not prospering. Did I mention over 80% of elementary school teachers are women?

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anyone else curious as to how that got put in there? I mean does the Fall of Rome really equal a global economic crisis?


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If she's going to chastise men and use the fall of Rome as an analogy for the current credit crisis, than the rise of Rome should be mentioned -- one of the greatest civilizations ever created. I'm pretty sure men had something to do with that.

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heath1 Female leadership leads to cultural suicide. Just look at any country that is strongly influenced by feminist politics. In those countries they have very high abortion rates and subsequently birth rates that are below replacement level.Although I beleive in both genders making positive contributions to society you still need men to be in charge.

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I'm actually all for women in leadership positions. That way, when things go wrong, females can all get negatively stereotyped instead.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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You know who else we don't have enough of in leadership positions? Llamas. They had nothing to do with any of the major decisions in the past... well.. ever..; and I'm sure they'd govern quite differently and make very different decisions. It can only be good. But no sheep. We have enough of those. ;)

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This is a really nice list, anthony.

Very positive too.
It's really nice to see something concisely highlighting the significant contributions men are giving to society to counteract the venom that feminists are spouting.

I kind of wish it had a more permanent and prominent place on the site than buried in the comments here.

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