Fathers & Families Files Federal Suit to Block New Mass. CS Guidelines

From Glenn Sacks; article here. Excerpt:

'Fathers & Families Files Lawsuit to Stop New Massachusetts Child Support Guidelines

Several years ago Fathers & Families scored a major victory in Massachusetts, getting child support obligations reduced by an average of 15%. This victory has saved Massachusetts noncustodial parents over $1 billion since 2001.

Unfortunately, now noncustodial parents are under attack, as child support guidelines are being greatly increased.

Fathers and Families has filed suit in Federal District Court in Boston to stop the scheduled January 1 implementation of new Child Support Guidelines. The suit seeks a temporary injunction halting the use of the new guidelines until a full hearing can be held. It will be heard before Judge D.P. Woodlock on Monday, January 5 at 10 AM in courtroom 1.'

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