"Obama's women: He just can't win"

Article here. Excerpt:

'Suddenly, Obama was an obstacle to the advancement of women. Now, President-elect Obama is again being portrayed as an obstacle to the advancement of women. Radical feminists whine that he didn't appoint enough women to his Cabinet.

Upon seeing that Obama had named five women to top administration posts, Kim Gandy, president of the National Organization for Women, said, "there need to be a lot more women's voices in this administration."

Amy Siskind, co-founder of New Agenda, said Obama has taken "shocking steps backward." She said "this constituency does not matter to the President-elect."
This type of bean counting, as Bill Clinton called it, is silly. Obama should have the freedom to pick the people he believes best suited for the work without being criticized by activists who care more about pressure politics than good government.'

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WOW, what a bunch of idiots NOW are! And here's me thinking that women didn't think in NUMBERS! And that the whole of the education systems curriculum had to overhauled in order to make way for women's more verbal based ways of knowing! That is all they do in their pathetic lives: they sit and count how many women are in everything and then whine and bitch when they don't match men--or increasingly, when they don't EXCEED men. Soon there's going to be no excuse for these ideological (though I hate to use "logic" in any description of them) feminists when their hypocrisy is finally revealed, and their dogma of equality is exposed as the fraud that it is when they are clearly beginning to promote female superiority in the form of "substantive equality".

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