Woman jailed for life after murdering husband just 33 DAYS after their wedding

Story here. Excerpt:

'A Muslim woman who knifed her husband to death 33 days after their wedding to escape from her arranged marriage has been jailed for life by the Old Bailey.
Khatun then tried to cover up the murder, repeatedly lying to police and persuading a friend to give her a false alibi for the night of the killing.

When her alibi was exposed she said her husband had attacked her and she struck out in self-defence.

But the jury found her guilty of murder yesterday by a 10-1 majority and she was sentenced to serve a minimum of 17 years.'

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Crazy bitch. Jesus.

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17 years is a life sentence for a 28 year old female in the UK?

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For a women yes, it's what we in the know call a "PUSSY PASS"
If there were more jails and no chivalry then she would actually get longer.

Ok, I just thought this was interesting,
1.) women live longer than men
2.) women get shorter life sentences (seemingly)

So, they get less "time out" percentage wise by, what, half?

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