UK: Postcards and beer mats tackle abuse

Article here. Excerpt:

'Postcards feature images aimed at making offenders think about the consequences of their actions and the negative impact it has on children.

One postcard features a young boy sitting next to a Christmas tree. The slogan reads – “All I want for Christmas is for daddy to stop hurting mummy.”

Another card features two young boys huddled together on the stairs listening to their mother being abused by their father. The message on the front reads: “Domestic abuse, you can’t hide it from them.”
The postcards will be distributed in supermarkets, social centres, snooker halls, golf clubs, pubs, leisure centres and will be made available to probation officers and domestic abuse offenders with bail conditions.'

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It's interesting because in the article, the potential wrongdoers are referred to as "offenders", but the post cards and other items themselves imply that all IPV is male on female. I thought we had come farther than this, but then again the UK is truly feminized.

BTW, Merry Christmas, everyone!

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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