"Restroom ads will offer help to abused"

Story here. Excerpt:

'PONTIAC -- A new project that hopes to save women from domestic violence plans to use a nontraditional venue to deliver its message: bathrooms.

The Women's Commission for Oakland County, a volunteer group, hopes to launch a pilot project in 2009 in Southfield that would post information in women's public and private restrooms on how to seek help in domestic violence situations.

"We picked Southfield because it's so diverse with its residential, commercial, retail and industrial sectors," said Wanda Lohmeier, commission chairwoman. "Bathrooms are a private place, and this is a very private crime we are dealing with. This would give them numbers and groups to help."

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Will the toilet paper in these bathroom have a NOW monogram?

Its really not a bad idea. I would have no problem wiping my ass with some feminist propaganda.

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I've seen these kinds of signs in hospitals for quite a while now. And often in both English and Spanish.

I wonder if we should start posting our own "battered husbands" versions above urinals?

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*chuckling* I've been doing that for years.

I you'd like files of 'printable' material you can print at home and take out and leave in Courts, Hospital waiting rooms, Libraries, etc, etc... please... email.



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