Clare Boothe Luce Institute issues 'The Vagina Monologues Exposed: A Student's Guide to V-Day'
Student Guide here (.pdf file). Excerpt:
'So, what’s the best tactic for dealing with V-Day? What can students do to counteract the damaging effects The Vagina Monologues has on young people and campus life? The Clare Boothe Luce Policy Institute is a voice for those who want to stand up for decency. CBLPI created V-Day Unveiled to support students who are willing to take a stand against The Vagina Monologues and the V-Day College Initiative by:
Refusing to replace “Valentine’s Day” with “Vagina Day”
Renouncing the offensive and degrading image of women and men
presented in The Vagina Monologues and V-Day activities
Rejecting the false claim that these tasteless exhibitions will put an end to violence against women and girls.'
Ed. note: CBLPI home page is
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Subverting the Vagina Monologues
I was thinking of that sick scene where that man hating lesbian pedophile Eve Ensler asks a 6-year-old girl what her vagnia smelled like. It would be funny if the girl replied "Like pee, you dirty old lesbian!" It would serve her right.
Not to mention the "Coochie Snorcher" episode. Yuk!
Pick Your poison --
-- Sitting through the Vagina Monologues or a 24 hour 'Thelma and Louise' Marathon?
Vagina Monologues as torture...
I have an idea: A video that depicts the torture of a gitmo inmate by making them watch a Vagina Monologues marathon. At the end the inmate is hysterically pleading to confess... Just to make it stop! [smirk]