Title IX prompts changes and anger at the University of Delaware

Story here. Excerpt:

'NEWARK -- The University of Delaware subtracted one sport and added another Tuesday but, in its view, gained in the effort to keep in line with Title IX gender-equity mandates.

Golf will become UD's 13th women's sport sometime in the next few years, athletic director Edgar Johnson said.

And while Delaware was able to preserve men's cross country and outdoor track and field, where team members feared elimination, the men's indoor track program will be downgraded from varsity to club status next year.
Men's indoor track and field will be the first sport Delaware has discontinued since another men's activity, wrestling, was axed in June 1991.

There was widespread speculation that men's cross country and both indoor and outdoor track would be cut. Johnson confirmed for a Nov. 12 News Journal story that no decisions had been made, but Title IX put some men's sports at risk.

The news prompted a flood of calls, letters and e-mails -- even a movement on the social networking Web site Facebook -- aimed at preserving the cross country and track teams.'

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If we can't compete with male athletes, lets take their teams away.

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