Scores improve if boys and girls are apart, some schools find

Story here. Excerpt:

"We've seen huge, huge increases in test scores," said Kiner, who presented the data this fall at the National Association for Single Sex Public Education's international conference here.
"Boys like nonfiction. They like gory, bloody stories. They like protagonists who look like them, sound like them and act like them," she said. "We know from research that girls are more comfortable with other girls. That's why we all go to the bathroom together.
"We told the kids they could have dress-down days for every 20 days we went without a fight," Pointer said.

"The boys came to us and said they were losing their dress-down days because the girls were fighting."

Turner said it's possible the fight-free message was unconsciously directed to the boys.

So, he stepped up the message to the girls and now records school fights by grade and gender.'

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